Litany of Celebration

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LEADER:      Realizing that God began a good work in us and continues to complete it:


PEOPLE:      We sanctify ourselves anew to His callings upon our lives.

LEADER:      Since God has provided us with so many blessings,

PEOPLE:      We continually present ourselves as living sacrifices unto God for service and ministry.

LEADER:      With a sense of our responsibility to share the Gospel with every person we meet,

PEOPLE:      We dedicate ourselves afresh to evangelism, missions and ministry to the whole man.

LEADER:      Because we are sent into the world to express God’s grace, love and mercy,

PEOPLE:      We are to let our lights shine so that men might see our good works and glorify God the Father.

LEADER:      In gratitude for the labors of all who love and serve this Church, in loving remembrance of all those who have finished their labors, in hope of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord,

PEOPLE:      We consecrate ourselves to the cause of Christ and his church, to support and build it up through the stewardship of our time, abilities, spiritual gifts, prayers, and resources.

ALL:             As members of New Way Fellowship Praise and Worship Church, grateful for our heritage, thankful for our privileges, and aware of our responsibility, we now dedicate ourselves afresh and anew, to the worship of God in Spirit and in Truth, the Lordship of Christ, by indwelling of the Holy Spirit, to being the Body of Christ in the world, through Jesus Christ our Lord.


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